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Law School Welcomed Grade 2018 Graduate Students

At 6:00 am on September 10, while people were still asleep, law school staff and volunteers were based in the law school to meet Grade 2018 graduate students. Unlike previous years, this year's graduate students are registered at the department. Therefore, the law school made a detailed welcoming plan, using the Moot Court of (Leo) Koguan Building as a freshman report, and using the Lecturer Hall as a lounge for new students and their parents.

The leaders and teachers of Peking University and Law School have attached great importance and support to this year's welcoming of new students. Principal Lin Jianhua, and Pan Jianfeng, dean and Party Secretary of the Law School, appeared at the welcome site. They talked cordially with the staff and expressed cordial condolences to the new students and their parents.





In order to help new students complete the registration process quickly, the law school made a detailed introduction to the promotional materials of the new student registration process. All staff members carefully handled the registration procedures for each new student and sent out the information to help the new students understand the arrangements for admission education. In order to better serve the new students, the law school has set up energy supply stations, large luggage storage areas, and waiting lounges for new students.







At the same time, the staff of Wanliu Campus and Yuanmingyuan Campus have also been prepared. Volunteers organized new students to take the school bus to the dormitory at the West Gate of (Leo) Koguan Building, and assisted the new students to check in and helped the new students to carry their luggage. The intimate service has been well received by the new students.





At 6:00 that evening, the law school graduate student class teacher's work meeting was held in the B104 Law Student Club of (Leo) Koguan Building. Lu Jiangnan, Vice Party Secretary of the Law School, Shi Shi, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Hou Le, Director of the Career Development Office, and the class teacher of all the classes attended the meeting. The main content of the meeting was the duties of the class teacher.

After the meeting, the headteachers went to visit the new students' dormitories. The teachers and the new students had a cordial and friendly exchange. The teachers introduced the precautions at the beginning of the school in detail, and encouraged everyone to adapt to the pace of study at the postgraduate level as soon as possible, and patiently and detailed answered to the questions raised by the freshmen.




At this point, the busy welcome work has come to a successful conclusion. The arrival of graduate students of the Grade 2018 law school has injected new blood into the law school. We can believe that they will take this as a new starting point, not forgetting their original intentions and moving on, taking on the responsibility of the legal person of Peking University, and contributing their own strength to the development of the rule of law in China.



Translated by: Hank Hu

Edited by: Chen Qingqing