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The Law School held a meeting on party branch work in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 school yea


On October 16, 2020, at 3: 00 p.m., the work exchange training meeting of students' Party branch of Law School in the fall semester of 2020-2021 school year was held in Room B103, (Leo) Koguan Building. Shi Shi, Assistant Dean and Director of Student Affairs Office, Pang Ziyu, Party Committee Organizer, Zhang Runzhi and Li Hejun, full-time counselors, attended the meeting. Party branch secretaries and branch committees of students from all grades and classes attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Li Hejun.



Teacher Shi Shi first communicated with the students attending the meeting on the overall work of the student party branch. He emphasized the importance and characteristics of the party building work of law school students, and put forward requirements for the work of student party branches by combining the three key words of "initial intention", "mission" and "task" and the foothold of "responsibility". Teacher Shi Shi said that there are a large number of student party members in law school, the workload of the Party branch is heavy, and the work task is heavy and difficult. Teacher Shi Shi hopes that all the party branch secretaries and committees will be willing to contribute, invest and take on the responsibility, always recall the initial intention of joining the party, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, stress rules and methods, pay close attention to the two basic tasks of party members' development and branch organization and life, and earnestly practice the purpose of "serving the people" on specific issues.



Mr. Pang Ziyu conveyed the spirit of relevant conferences and related work requirements of school and college, and gave corresponding guidance on the standardization of student branch work.



Sun Shengbin, Party Secretary of the Third Party Branch of the 2019 Master of Laws of Law School, shared his working experience in the branch. Sun Shengbin said that the work of the student party branch should pay attention to the linkage between the party, classes and regiments, give full play to the subjective initiative of the branch students, attach importance to the combination of theory and practice, be diligent in thinking and constantly innovate, and fully tap and utilize the red educational resources inside and outside the school to creatively carry out various organizational lives.



Li Hejun, a full-time counselor, introduced the main points of the work of the student party branch this semester. Li Hejun first introduced the main job responsibilities of the branch secretary around the "Trinity" (Party branch construction, Party member development, Party organization relationship transfer) framework, and introduced the detailed implementation rules of the three jobs in detail. In order to strengthen the role of the fighting bastion of the grass-roots party branch, the work of the grass-roots party branch will be implemented, specified and deepened. The Student Work Office advocates the implementation of "stressing politics, understanding norms, being able to do things, and being happy to contribute-the growth plan of the secretary of the student party branch" and "having faith in the heart, being able to travel far-the training and investigation plan of activists joining the party", which is based on four aspects of thought, study, interpersonal relationship and action. Li Hejun gave a detailed introduction to the affairs above and made an arrangement about the recent joint theme education activities, party members' development and other related work.



The backbone of the students attending the meeting exchanged views on some specific problems in the work of the student party branch.



"The foundation is not firm, and the mountain will be shaking", the difficulty and bright spot of party building work are at the grass-roots level. The holding of this Party branch work exchange training meeting has laid a solid foundation for all students in law school to accurately grasp the overall requirements and core points of the branch work, enhance the initiative and standardization of the branch work, and provide strong ideological guarantee and method support, which will effectively promote the smooth implementation of the party building work of college students.



Translated by Shan Baowei

Edited by Shan Baowei