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Lecture Series: WTO Rules on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

Mr. Mark Koulen’s Lecture Series on “WTO Rules on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures”, hosted by Professor Zhao Hong, introduced students to fundamental rules of the WTO and their applications. The lecture series consists of four sessions with the following themes: “WTO General Rules on Subsidy”, “Trade Effect Approach to WTO Subsidy Rules”, “The Reform of WTO General Subsidy Rules”, and “SOE: Perspectives of WTO and Other International Agreements”. The speaker discussed current WTO subsidy rules, identifies major issues in their implementation, and explores the prospects for rules reform.
【Speaker Profile】
Mr. Mark Koulen is an expert in law and politics of international trade relations. He is also occasional lecturer. He has more than thirty years of experience with multilateral trade negotiations and dispute settlement in GATT and WTO, particularly in the areas of anti-dumping, subsidies and countervailing measures; foreign investment and trade-related investment measures; trade policy monitoring and trade policy review. He has academic interest in analysis of strategic and systemic aspects of international trade relations.