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Jeremy Horder, Recent Developments of Corporate Criminal Liability in the United Kingdom


Professor Jeremy Horder, member of the Global Faculty of PKU Law School and Professor of Criminal Law at the London School of Economics, delivered a lecture themed “Recent Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability in the United Kingdom.” The lecture provided an overview of the UK’s corporate criminal liability system and discussed the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023.
【Speaker Profile】
Jeremy Horder is the Professor of Criminal Law at the London School of Economics. He is also an Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple and holds an Honorary LL.D from the University of Hull. Professor Horder graduated from the Universities of Hull and Oxford before taking up a Research Fellowship at Jesus College, Oxford. He then became the Porjes Trust Tutorial Fellow in Law at Worcester College, Oxford. He was Chairman of Oxford’s Faculty of Law from 1998-2000. From 2005-2010, he was a Law Commissioner for England and Wales, with responsibility for criminal law reform, before becoming Edmund Davies Professor of Criminal Law at King’s College London, from 2010-2013. He is a member of the steering committee for “Justice after Acquittal”, a voluntary organization helping families after one of their members has been unlawfully killed but the main suspect has been acquitted. His latest book Criminal Misconduct in Office (Oxford University Press) came off the press in 2018.
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