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PKU-Jones Day Global Legal Talent Summer Camp

PKU-Jones Day Global Legal Talent Summer Camp 
From August 24 to 27, 2023,  thirty students selected from fourteen of China's top universities participated in the inaugural PKU-Jones Day Global Legal Talent Summer Camp, a four-day intensive program launched jointly by PKU Law School and the international law firm Jones Day.
Programs of the camp this year included  seminars and workshops oncutting edge topics of cross-border legal practices, fostering vibrant discussions on shaping future legal talents. Immersive visits to industry giants like CICC, Siemens, and Alibaba Cloud offered firsthand insights into corporate legal departments.
At the closing session, the students’ group presentations showcased their takeaways from the program. they unanimously praised the camp's impact on their perspectives, and acknowledged that the experiences at the campus would prove invaluable in their future careers.
To learn more about the event, please check out: