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Apple’s Vice President visits PKULS

On April 9, 2014, Apple Inc.'s delegation, headed by Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mr. Bruce Sewell, visited PKULS and was received by Prof. Zhang Shouwen, Dean of PKULS. Also present were Prof. Wang Xixin and Prof. Shen Kui, both Vice Deans of PKULS, Prof. Zhang Ping, and Ms. Li Yuanyuan, Director of PKULS External Affairs Office.
Prof. Zhang Shouwen extended warm welcome to the guests and briefly introduced PKULS's teaching and research strengths in intellectual property, competition law, antitrust law and other fields where both parties have shared interests. He pointed out that PKULS has established cooperative ties with various government agencies and corporations in these fields and looks forward to doing just that with Apple.
Mr. Bruce expressed his appreciation and stated Apple's intent in cooperating with PKULS. He believed that for the purpose of regulatory compliance in Apple's numerous markets around the world, Apple must not only monitor the current state of local laws but also understand the trend of their development, and that PKULS's leading scholarship will assist such effort in China, now one of Apple's most important markets; in reciprocity, Apple's leading status in the industry will provide PKULS with first-hand information that may be of academic value.
Prof. Wang and Prof. Shen each embraced Mr. Bruce's initiative by proposing specific forms of cooperation, such as establishing joint research centers, holding joint conferences and setting up internship and scholarship programs. Prof. Zhang Ping added to the discussion her own professional experience in intellectual property law.
Mr. Sewell serves on Apple's executive team and oversees all legal matters, including corporate governance, intellectual property, litigation and securities compliance, as well as government affairs. He joined Apple in 2009 from Intel Corporation, where he was the Vice President and Deputy General Counsel. Prior to joining Intel, he was a partner in the litigation firm of Brown & Bain P.C.