Assistant Professor, Chen Xiaohang, International Law
Education Backgrounds
Doctor of Laws, European University Institute, Florence (2022)
Master of Laws, Peking University Law School (2016)
Bachelor of Laws, Peking University Law School (2014)
Master Program of International Human Rights Law, Peking University Law School and Raoul Wallenberg Institute Joint Master Program (2015)
Employment Experience
2024– Assistant Professor, Peking University Law School
2022–2024 Postdoctoral Researcher, Peking University Law School
Fields of Research
History and Theory of International, Public International Law, International Organizations Law, Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
1. (2024) 《国际争端解决的司法中心主义祛魅与国际法话语》,载《云南社会科学》2024年第3期。 (“The Disenchantment of Judicial Centrism in International Dispute Settlement and the Discourse of International Law ”, Social Sciences in Yunnan, Vol. 3, 2024)
2. (2024) “Deciphering l’esprit d’internationalité: The 1872 Alabama arbitration and the pacifist antithesis of modern international law profession”, Leiden Journal of International Law, Vol. 37, 2024.(SSCI, Q1)
3. (2023) “The Institutionalization of International Law at a Crossroads: Pacifists, Jurists, and the Creation of the ILA and the IDI”, AJIL Unbound, Vol. 117, 2023.(ESCI, Q1)
4. (2023) 《国际法学的“历史转向”思潮:问题、争论与启示》,载《清华法学》2023年第5期。人大复印报刊资料《国际法学》2024年第2期全文转载;《高等学校文科学术文摘》2023年第6期转载。(“The Ideological Trend of Historic Turn in International Law: Problems, Debates and Implications”, Tsinghua University Law Journal, Vol. 5, 2023)
5. (2018) 《等待野蛮人:国家理论、帝国秩序和国际法史》,载《北大国际法与比较法评论》,第15卷,总第18期。(“Waiting for the Barbarians: State Theory, Imperial Order and the History of International Law”, Peking University International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 15, 2018)
6. (2016) 《套中的套外人:知识分子与国际法》,载《北大国际法与比较法评论》,第13卷,总第16期。(“The Men in the Case while go beyond the Case: Intellectuals and International Law”, Peking University International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 13, 2016)
Prizes and Awards
1. (2023)Antonio Cassese Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in International Law
2. (2015)Diploma, Helsinki Summer Seminar on International Law