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Scholarships and Grants

Encouragement and rewards are the main power to promote development of students, and we believe the poverty should not be the enemy of education. For this reason, PKU Law Schoolattaches great importance to awarding scholarships and grants to the most outstanding students and poor students. And we hope to assist them in focusing their attention on studying and improving knowledge and skill confidently.
By completing a transition from simplification to diversification, the scholarship management of PKU Law School open the innovative road of distinctive project management system now. We change the function of scholarship from rewarding students simply to cultivating them, and realize extension of ways for obtaining funds. Through this way, PKU Law School provides students with more opportunities and wider stage. It's comforting to know that more and more students go global, gain new skills, raise their sights, grow and improve themselves with the help of scholarship system.
Our scholarship system can be classified in six categories: University-level Fund for Talent Training in Law, Scholarship Fund, Fund for Global Intern, Fund for Social Practice, Research Award Fund and Overseas Exchange Award Fund. Now PKU Law school has set up more than 50 scholarship programs, which helps more than 400 students (over 30% coverage in all) yearly. Many students make rapid progress in major study by encouraging scholarship.
To give students from needy families a hand, teachers, alumni of Law School and social enthusiasts donate to set up dozens of financial aid outside of those offered by school. All kinds of students (include Bachelor, master and PhD) can get help from the financial aid. Every year there are more than 100 students finishing school with its help.