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Peking University legal experts release to the society the results of the phased researches on "combatting epidemics and restoring production"

In the national fight against the epidemic and the restoration of production, Peking University legal experts not only continued to submit recommendations, but also attached great importance to the release of periodic research results to the society. Since late January, Peking University law experts have actively used the new media to release the results of periodic research to the society in a timely and extensive manner, and issued the voice of Peking University.

Philanthropy expert Jin Jinping published 7 articles, among which the suggestion for treating truck drivers well was paid attention by commentators of "Xinhua Daily Telecom".

E-commerce law expert Xue Jun published 6 articles. Among them, two articles calling for the protection of medical staff and paying attention to the issue of "drug withdrawal" of other patients were retransmitted by the Chinese Medical Association newspaper.

Administrative law expert Shen Kui published 4 articles. At the same time, civil and commercial law expert Ge Yunsong, criminal law expert Che Hao, business law expert Chen Ruoying, constitution expert Wang Lei, economic law expert Xiao Jiangping, and administrative law expert Wang Xixin all have published articles related to the fight against the epidemic.

More and more new masterpieces are being written and released by Peking University law experts. The "Follow" column on the homepage of Peking University Law School continued to post a series of research results and issued a voice from Peking University, which will increase the social dissemination and influence of Peking University.

(Written by Research Office)

Translated by: Wang Ran

Edited by: Yin Ziyou