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Law School’s “Mind and Law Workshop”——“Where is the Road” Career Exploration Group Guidance was Successfully Held

On the evening of November 1st, the “Mind and Law Workshop”——“Where is the Road” Career Exploration Group Coaching, hosted by the Student Affairs Office of the School of Law, was successfully held at Jindu Law Student Club. This event invited Zhang Shuaihua, a PhD in clinical and counseling psychology from Tsinghua University, and a psychological counselor from Peking University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Language and Culture University as the keynote speakers. The event was hosted by full-time counselor Zhang Runzhi.

At the beginning of the activity, Mr. Zhang handsome introduced the game of “Dragon’s Successor” to self-introduction. In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, the students introduced their nicknames in turn and showed their own iconic actions, gradually becoming familiar and relaxed. Later, Mr. Zhang Shuaihua led the students to evaluate the clarity of their career planning on a scale of 1-10. Under the guidance of Mr. Zhang, the students drew a “self-shield” map and a “my life” map, and shared their motto, traits, abilities, hobbies, life track, career planning and other matters in the group, expressing At the same time as the self to increase awareness of the self. 

Then, under the leadership of Mr. Zhang, the students filled out the “Preliminary Career Planning Form”, sorted out their values, ideal lifestyle, and ideal work in the form of sharing within the group, and learned about other students during the group communication I learned from the experience of my classmates, so as to learn from each other and make progress together.

At the end of the event, the students shared the gains and expressed that because of this activity, they broadened their horizons, saw different lives, and thanked the students for listening, so they were able to organize themselves, know themselves, and gain and grow in this group.

“Heart and Law Workshop” is a series of activities organized by the PKULS to promote the development of students’ mental health, and help young legal persons build their dreams and grow up healthily. This activity integrates and mobilizes psychological education resources both inside and outside the school, shares emotional journeys, teaches adjustment skills in the form of emotional communication, experience sharing, group counseling, art counseling, and mobile classrooms, and promotes students to face up to psychological fluctuations and regulate their mental state. Psychological and personal self-exploration and growth. This “Heart and Law Workshop” takes “where is the road” career exploration group counseling as the theme of the activity, and guides students to review the course of life in the form of group interaction, in-depth understanding of their own advantages and disadvantages, combing life goals and career planning To help students learn to communicate and recognize themselves in groups, it helps law school students to improve their personality and grow up healthily.

Translated by Rosie

Edited by Rosie