Organizations and Publications

The Postgraduate Union of PKU Law School (PLU)

Postgraduate Union of PKU Law School (PLU) is the school-wide representative body for all the postgraduate students including Legum Magisters, Juris Masters and Juris Doctors at Law School, Peking University.
Under the leadership of the school, the PLU has conducted a lot of postgraduate-focused activities as well as intercollegiate events since its foundation, such as sports, students communication and social life, which greatly enrich students’ campus life.
The PLU is operated by a Board of elected and co-opted student officers, including one president who heads the presidium, and 9 directly affiliated departments: Department of Secretary, Department of Propagandizing, Department of Public Relationship, Department of Academic, Department of Career Development, Department of Practice, Department of Art & Sports, Department of Service and Department of SJDs & International Students.
On behalf of all the members, our focus is on 3 key areas: representation, services, and events, aiming to support you, help solve your problems or at least put you in touch with people who can assist, and provide answers and guidance.
l  The PLU takes concerns raised by our members, acting as the student voice.
l  As our centrally located premises, we offer an excellent range of essential services to students in life and studies.
l  We organize a great variety of activities in helping students achieve whole person development during term time and vacations.
l  We provide job leadership training programs to students especially the junior ones.
l  We raise awareness of the involvement in charity among students.
l  We organize joint-school activities to enhance the relationship with other schools.
l  We push all kinds of information for students through multiple channels and offer many opportunities for masters and doctors to get involved in.
l  We forge the team spirit and students’ sense of belonging to the school.
l  We reinforce the transparency of PLU and make it a more mature, independent and representative student community.
Objectives of the Postgraduate Union
The PLU’s objects are the advancement of education of LLM, JM, SJD Students at the PKU Law School for the public benefit by:
l  promoting the interests and welfare of LLM, JM, SJD Students at the PKU Law School during their course of study, as well as representing, supporting and advising Students;
l  being the recognised representative channel between LLM, JM, SJD Students and the PKU Law School, and any other external bodies; and
l  providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities, discussions forums and debate competitions for personal development of its Students.
The PLU belongs to you and welcomes your input and suggestions.

Date: 2014-09-23