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PKULS Catches the Opportunity of Annual AALS Meeting

On the first day of 2015, Dean Zhang Shouwen and Associate Dean Wang Xixin of PKULS participated in the 2015 American law school association annual meeting in Washington as members of the delegation of Chinese legal education, at the invitation of the association of American law school (AALS). During this period, they had active discussions to deepen communication and cooperation with the university of Pennsylvania, university of California, Los Angeles, university of California, Berkeley, university of Texas at Austin, George Washington university, Georgetown university, the university of Washington university school of law.

Over the years, PKULS is expanding resources and power of internationalization development. The successful visit to the USA  of Dean Zhang Shouwen and Associate Dean Wang Xixin  heralds that PKULS will have a further innovation and development in the field of internationalization in the New Year.


Translated by: Liu Shuxian

Edited by: Zhou Yingzi

Date: 2015-01-19